

As the Thanksgiving holiday comes and goes, we often think of the many things we are thankful for during the month of November. Our God, children/families, friends, jobs, education, vehicles, roof over our heads, food on our table, clothes on our back, and shoes on our feet are only a few. However, being thankful is something that we should do daily. We take things for granted. Things such as being able to see, hear, talk, walk, employment, education, or even a vehicle are often taken for granted.

We get so caught up in the business of life that we forget what the most important things are such as having humility. 1. Richness in our families, friends, jobs, and education. 2. Honor-honoring each other, ourselves, and our higher power. 3. Life, God gives us life and gives it to us in abundance. We are healthy enough and we have a sound mind, so we are still able. God has allowed us to make it one more day. It is important to cherish time with your family and friends. To encourage and motivate those around you. It is important to share a smile and (post COVID-19) give hugs and pats on the back.

This year has been a year for the books. Where I live, we experienced a tornado, a flood, and of course, COVID-19 all back to back. Not to mention many people have lost their jobs and loved ones. Many of us have suffered depression, cabin fever, and had to find a new normal. The good from this, that I have viewed, is that many people have had to spend time with their families and with their children, something that is not as common as in the past. Families have been forced to be more involved in their children’s education and their life. Many people have had the time to start their own business and bring about change in the world by using their voice and taking many steps to protest the wrong in the world.

            As John Lewis said, “Get in good trouble.”

We have experienced riots and turmoil within our government for the rights of all people, black people. People have lost their lives not only from COVID-19 but from gun violence. I often think of the song “What the world needs now is love sweet love…” This holds true on so many different aspects. If we all could just give a little bit more of ourselves. Be servants as the Lord wants from us…… the world would be a better place. As Dr. Kings said, “there is only one race that is the human race” to not look at what’s on the outside but what is on the inside, this too would help the world to become whole.

It is usually the small things that go so far.
As we venture into this next month and prepare for a new season and another holiday, think outside of the box. Think of what you can give to your family, friends, coworkers or even a stranger this holiday season that is not necessarily bought by money. If you could give your mother, father, child, siblings, niece/nephews anything this Christmas, that did not require money, what would it be?
As I end this blog, I want to thank everyone who is taking the time to support me on my new venture. I am thankful for each of you and all your support.
